Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A pose that Americans study

When I came here and lived three roommates in Kalamazoo, Michigan almost four years ago, I wondered how postures the America roomies have been. Actually, now my posture is getting almost same with theirs. But first time when I saw they were studying on bed or lying on their face on a couch, I’ve asked ‘are you studying? That was because as I knew in Korea, we cannot study with that posture. If we do that, teacher or parent scold us saying, “Study on the right position” which is sitting down chair, standing back, and slightly bow head. Korean has thought right pose makes studying effect good and concentrate to study and even good to health such as back bone etc, and blocks the obstacle which interrupts studying. So, I’ve often listened it from my parent and many teachers. But my roomies said that they study whatever they want to have a pose, and it’s effective to each person. Soon, I started to change my position sometimes unconsciously when I studied. However, now it has problem. My back bone began to get painful, and sometimes I habit to lay off my things to do in a day which mean I’m lazy sadly…I think personally that to me, grown up by Korean traditional class, I had better have a pose what I learned except when reading books.Is that also cultural difference? I think so.

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